Thursday 2 June 2011

Ms.Keriun Ong
(Chairman )
Kolej Antarabangsa Travex
             Ms. Keriun Ong started her tourism career in 1981 as a Secretary at a travel agency where she gained intimate insight on the running of a successful travel agency. She has great passion in teaching and sharing the knowledge she has gained. She finds the travel profession exciting and challenging, one which can provide a good income and secure future.
         Since 1993, Ms Keriun Ong has participated in the development of the National Occupational Skills Standard programmes for the tours and travel category. This was in support of the Ministry of Culture, Arts and Tourism, and Majlis Latihan Vokasional Kebangsaan (MLVK) now known as Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran (JPK) under the Ministry of Human Resources. She was fully aware of the urgency for suitable programmes for tourism training and imparted all her tourism knowledge in developing useful NOSS programmes for the skill training industry.
                      Over the years of involvement in skill training, Ms Keriun Ong has given her full support to all her lecturers in developing Certificate and Diploma courses in line with the Ministry of Higher Education’s policy.
                 It is not surprising to note that as a Chairman, Ms. Keriun Ong personally monitors the students’ progress. She communicates continuously with all lecturers and parents concerned for the success of all students who are enrolled in Travex International College. She aims to make Travex International College a quality college in travel and tourism with international recognition.

Monday 30 May 2011

Mr.Kim Jung Pyung
“ACQUIRE IT THE RIGHT WAY: APPLY IT THE RIGHT TIME”  should be a guiding principle for the acquisition of knowledge and its subsequent application for the benefit of mankind.  This has been the guiding force behind Travex’s development in producing quality graduates to meet the global employment.
        The world has taken on a new dimension: globalization which among other things, stresses on the integration of the international communities by ways of free trade and telecommunications.  To be a global player, graduates must equipped themselves with “WORLD CLASS” education.  Studying and experiencing different cultures at the same time will be an added value to any local and foreign students.  To be a genuine global player, all graduates must be able to communicate electronically, coordinate efficiently and cooperate compassionately.We welcome foreign students from any countries to sign up into our courses.Foreign agents who are interested to support potential students in their country are also welcome.
                                                                                               Thank you.
                                                                                          KIM JUNG PYUNG

Thursday 26 May 2011

"Secure Lifestyle And Live In Style"

Ms.Keriun Ong
           Tourism being an active industry takes up 60% of the world’s employment. The involvement of people travelling for business and holidays is on going even during this current time when most parts of the world are facing global recession.  Airlines companies, travel agencies and hotels are busy recruiting staff while many other industries have either slowed down or even closed. Today, International Airlines are still actively conducting interviews seeking qualified Malaysian youths for employment. The demand for Travex graduates by the various travel and tours companies including hotels is a testimony for the high academic quality provided by our College.  For our record, our College graduates have always achieved a 100% employment rate. Travex graduates easily find work as Airline Reservation & Ticketing staff, Tour Consultants, Inbound Tour Operation and Outbound Tour Operation staff, Tour Leaders and Tourist Guides and also in the hotel/restaurant industry. Travex graduates working as tour Leaders or Tour Guides can also opt for a freelance job and still enjoy a good and steady income.Travex provides a niche market for tourism training.
           We always stress on QUALITY and not QUANTITY.  Many people think of tourism as a secondary profession and they do not realize that the tourism industry can provide them a secure job where they can live in style.  Combining the high quality training, hard work and good customer services to the tourists, the Ministry of Tourism licensed Tourist Guides and Tour Leaders are often very well paid.
                                                                                                                  Thanks You,
                                                                                                               Ms.Keriun Ong
(Ms Keriun Ong a pioneer in travel and tourism industry training for last twenty years has been appointed as an “INDUSTRY EXPERT” by the Department of Skill Training under the Ministry of Human Resources.  She firmly said that the profession in the tourism industry is more stable and secure than any other industries in the country. 
          Ms. Ong has vast experiences and knowledge in the tourism industry training since 1985.  She has been actively monitoring the educational needs and training for the travel and tourism industry in the country.  She strongly urges SPM/SM3/ STPM school leavers to consider the tourism profession because they can seek employment in other countries as well.  For those who desire a high income or those who want to set up their own travel, accommodation or restaurant business, they can sign up for our tourism or hotel courses.The courses offered are Diploma in Hotel & Restaurant Management, Airline Cabin Crew, and IATA/UFTAA Foundation & EBT (PA3633) course – a World class Tourism Diploma from Canada awarded to all successful graduates.  In addition, Travex graduates can also proceed to the LimKokWing University of Creative Technology to complete the Degree course in Tourism).